Book of job elihu's speech

Some have thought of his speech as an important turning point in the direction of the conversation. Elihu charges job with adding to his sin by multiplying words against god without knowledge 34. The role and character of elihu in the book of job the. Elihus defense of god sabbath school net posted on november 28, 2016 by sabbath school lesson december 1, 2016 a lot of commentary has been written over the ages about elihu and his speech, some seeing it a major turning point in the direction of the dialogue. In this volume, norman habel takes on the humbling task of writing a commentary on such a classic work as the book of job a text that is complex and unclear at many points. These observations show that the elihu speeches are an integral part of the book of job, in contrast to the view of many critics who say that chapters 3237 are not an original part of the book and were added later after the other chapters were written. And then he takes it upon himself to spend about five chaptersan eighth of the entire bookspouting off his thoughts. How was what elihu said any different from what jobs other three friends. There was a man in the land of uz, whose name was job.

Elihu, in the hebrew bible, a comforter of job, the biblical prototype of undeserved suffering. A study of job xxxiixxxvii, by william ewart staples the university library. Campbell morgan published a brief 6page study entitled the answers of jesus to job revell in which he connected a number of christological concepts and teachings to references in job. At a recent pastors conference on the book of job, a leader asked the attendees whether the speeches of elihu job 3237 should be trusted. He isnt mentioned as one of jobs friends, but apparently he was there listening in on their conversation, because he knows all about it when he chimes in. Third, jobs challenge in chapter 31 calls for god, not elihu, to make an appearance. Yet much of elihu s speech seems similar to the speeches of the first three. First, the name elihu is a variant spelling of the name elijah, and elihus actions in the book of job suggest a strong connection to the great prophet. Because elihu was younger in years than the three friends, he was quiet during their conversation job 32. God and are totally dependent on his grace for deliverance.

Elihu accused job of not listening to god but he was wrong. Addressing the problem of theodicy the vindication of the justice of god in the light of humanitys suffering it is a rich theological work setting out a variety of perspectives. Elihu is similar to the name elijah, yahweh is my god. Because job was suffering, they were of the opinion that job had some hidden evil. My argument in this paper is that the elihu speeches have a twofold role in job. The bulk of elihus speech then focuses on the justice of god, which elihu feels job has maligned. He concludes his speech with an effort to speak on gods behalf and by ascribing righteousness to the almighty. Now that everyone has quit talking, elihu is ready to step up and show both job s friends and job that they are wrong. Chapter 32 of the book of job is directed at jobs three friends.

Unfortunately, two erroneous interpretations of job s theses are by far the most popular. First, they summarize the argument of job s three friends. First, elihu is mentioned nowhere in the book of job outside of his speeches in job 3237. Elihu was one of jobs friendsnot one of the three who had come to comfort job at the beginning of the book, but one who arrives later and offers the last and longest single speech to job. It seems to be that job had a lifespan of close to 200 years as job 42. And the emphasis ive chosen to highlight today in job. Job was blameless, meaning no sin was found in him. However, if the book of job is a book on conflicts, the elihu speeches fit very well in the overall frame. The final verses of job 33 reflect well the immature character of elihu. Second, the style of the elihu speeches is different from the style used in the other parts of the book. Oh that with an iron pen and lead they were graven in. Recently, i read through the book of job again and saw some things in elihus speech that i had not noticed before, which i believe provide insight into whether he was a johnthebaptistlike figure or not, as some scholars think, preparing the heart of job for an appearance from god. He believes that jobs assertion that he is no liar has in effect made god a liar v. Thus, in the dialogues in chapters 331 there is a conflict between job and his friends.

He is not mentioned anywhere else in the book, which means the author doesnt give us any clues as to whether he is to be. Elihus speech does not exactly reveal the purpose of the book of job but rather what the book is not. Elihu asked him if he considered his answer to be just. Messianic implications in elihus mediatorial speech. Therefore, job must repent of the rebellious sinful things hes said. In the book of job, job has three friends approach him and condemn him for evil. Job had asked for a mediator between him and god, one who would speak for him and present his cause to god and elihu felt that he was that person. The triad diagnosis pertained to sinful actions in job s past experience, whereas elihus diagnosis dealt with sinful attitudes in job s present life wayne jackson, the book of job p. Elihu was angry with job because, in his opinion, job dared to justify himself before god v 2, and was angry with his three friends because they wrongly condemned job and did not give him any good answers v 3. Job did a fine enough job discounting their views, so elihu does not see the need to address them specifically. Interpretations of elihu in job biblical hermeneutics. Eastern great lakes and midwest biblical societies 8 1988.

Evidence that elihu prepared job for god the bible meditator. But it is really not that easy to nd where elihu adds anything so new that it changes the conversation. Elihu is identified only as the son of barakel the buzite, of the family of ram job 32. Correcting job further by checking with him concerning his answer. The contributors are scholars of international standing. But the writer of the book of job is not satisfied to live that way. In chapter thirtyfive we have elihus third correction and refutation of job.

Thats because job said he himself was right instead of god. I have personally come to the conclusion that, basically, elihu was used by yahweh, and thats why he didnt include elihu in his scolding. Elihu acknowledged his youth and gives this as the main reason that he had not spoken out sooner vs 6, 7. The book of job young elihu speaks 3237 executable outlines. The third and best understanding of elihus role in the book of job is that he helps to prepare job for gods appearance in the whirlwind. Job youre not a wicked man, but youre speaking as a wicked man would. After a few rounds of back and forth, the friends quite down.

Because elihus speech, which appears in the book of job. Ppt the book of job powerpoint presentation free to. Elihu, the forgotten prophet of job the book of job is one of the most important of the entire bible, and is a prerequisite to all discussions of christian theology, particularly theodicy. It also interesting that god rebukes jobs 3 friends at the end, but he does not rebuke what elihu says. Yet much of elihus speech seems similar to the speeches of the first three. The book of job lets us crawl into the head of someone who undergoes immense suffering, but. God was angered with eliphaz, bildad, and zophar because of their false accusations against job. The authenticity of the elihu speeches in job 3237 29 allotted to elihu in comparison to the four chapters assigned to eliphaz, the three to bildad, and the two to zophar, b the placement of the elihu speeches in the book, and c the reaction the speeches have drawn from critical circles on the question of authenticity.

Curtis, why were the elihu speeches added to the book of job. Published by the librarian, 1925 idtniversitp of toronto stabler committee of management chairman. They could think of nothing else to say to one another that would change either of their minds and so now they all sat in silence. And today he finally closes his speech, actually several orations combined, say the scholars. Then in chapter 33 elihu addressed job directly and urged him to learn the lessons god wanted to teach him. If job does indeed need a theodicy, the book is skeptical of such a thing we could even call the book an antitheodicy. The authenticity of the elihu speeches in job 3237 29 allotted to elihu in comparison to the four chapters assigned to eliphaz, the three to bildad, and the two to zophar, b the placement of the elihu speeches in the book, and c the reaction the speeches have. Elihu charges job with adding to his sin by multiplying words. Elihu biblical figure britannica encyclopedia britannica. The book of job the book of job suffering into truth.

Pdf elihus contribution to the thought of the book of job robert. Job 32 new international readers version nirv the speech of elihu. Elihus contribution to the thought of the book of job. A final indication that elihu is speaking for god is his theology, which is extraordinary, especially as it unfolds in chapters 34 and 35. Irwin that the book of job divides obviously and naturally into several large sections is freely admitted by all students of the book of whatever stripe of critical bias. He concludes his speech with an effort to speak on gods behalf and. In elihus fourth speech, it talks about how god uses affliction that we may be experiencing to lift us out of our pride, and to show us his discipline and love one of.

Elihu, though young, starts to open up for us profound wisdom not yet revealed in the book of job, and begins the chapter by making it clear that he is speaking specifically to job job 33. The point elihu was making is that gods retributive justice. The first speech made by this young man expressed his anger at jobs friends for not adequately answering job. In his speeches, elihu is in conflict with both job and his friends, since all four of them are in conflict with god. The debate between job and his three friends had come to an end, neither side accepting defeat. Elihu corrected job further by checking with him concerning his answer vv. I admit that there are some things in elihus speeches very hard to understand. First cycle of speeches 414 objectives in studying this section 1 to examine the counsel of job s friends, what their observations were, and upon what they based their conclusions regarding job s suffering 2 to consider job s response to his friends, how he took their advice, and how he continued to. The elihu speeches in the criticism of the book of job. Elihu has been standing in the shadows, giving deference to his older friends. Elihu was one of job s friendsnot one of the three who had come to comfort job at the beginning of the book, but one who arrives later and offers the last and longest single speech to job.